What does an OMR software do?

An omr sheet scanner software is supposed to identify and read any form of OMR sheet that is given. It must be versatile enough to read all forms of OMR sheets that can be used in tests, admissions, answers, surveys, etc. This would allow the software to be versatile and to be used in many different contexts and functionalities. Here, let us take a look at OMR Home’s Verificare, which delivers on all the above-mentioned and more. Fast and reliable, Verificare allows versatile scanning and analysis functionality to be used in virtually every OMR situation.

      Verificare has been designed from the ground up to be a platform that emphasizes accuracy, usability, and versatility. The platform has been tested on real-world data for years before launch.

      Multiple testing and improvement iterations have made the omr sheet scanner extraordinarily accurate. It can reliably be used to obtain data from all kinds of OMR bubble sheets. It is the only software to provide 100 percent data accuracy.

      Its speed is also unparalleled, allowing it to read hundreds of sheets per minute.

      Another innovation is the lack of dependency on specialized omr sheet scanner technology. Any available office scanner and printer paper can be used to design OMR sheets. Commercially available printers (Flatbed/ADF/MFP) can also be used to scan the OMR sheets without the need for a specialized OMR scanner.

      There is no need to use third-party software like Excel or Word to design OMR sheets, as the OMR sheet designing capabilities are built into the software, allowing you to use built-in tools to design customized OMR sheets.

Designing forms

Let us look at how Verificare makes it easy to design OMR sheets for any particular use case. There is a bank of pre-built templates that can be used to create new forms. To make this easier, the omr sheet scanner software boasts a drag-and-drop functionality that makes editing a breeze. The ability to have unlimited entries is a powerful tool that is also available. Verificare also boasts a sizable amount of question choices to choose from, like single choice, multiple choice, and so on. Like the number of fields, even the question count is unlimited. The ability to add a barcode or QR code bolsters safety and makes tracking identity easier. Along with this, it can be designed in a multicolour format and exported as a PDF.


The data can be read and collected at a blistering speed of 300 pages a minute with 100 percent accuracy using run-of-the-mill scanners that are available commercially.

Data Processing

The collected data can be easily exported to Excel or as a .CSV file, which ensures that we can access the data source of our choice, like SQL or MS Access.

In conclusion, Verificare is a versatile and reliable omr sheet scanner software that offers accurate scanning and analysis functionality for various contexts. Its ease of use and flexibility make it a top choice for any kind of organizational need.


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